Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Why Another Long Distance Trek

Setting off in 2013 to hike across northern England on Alfred Wainwright's Coast to Coast (C2C) was begun as a celebration of turning a bit of a milestone decade in age (60), the desire to KEEP on WALKING when the typical yearly vacation hiking had come to a too early conclusion for me.

The C2C ended up with me feeling like some terrific personal accomplishment had been done...and...the urge to attempt another long distance walk, while I can still walk.  That urge was kept on the "back-burner" for a block of time. but the burner kept flaring up.  The idea was tempting to undertake another long trek while still age 62, rather than waiting until another monumental age had occurred such as age 65.

What if I can not even walk when that age 65 happens?  Why wait?  Some things need to be done while they still can be done, and enjoyed.

While they still can be done has been pointed out to me in a variety of ways over the past year.  First there was the death of my younger, and only brother, Paul, a year ago in May.  Granted Paul had numerous health issues, and as his doctors said, he was living on "borrowed time".  I miss my brother and especially the conversations we had the last few years of his life.  Paul and I spoke when I completed the first crossing of England on the C2C and arrived at Robins Hood Bay.  He was so proud of me, his big sister, for having accomplished that feat, and cheered on my return to the Irish Sea at St. Bees.

Then there was Woody Woodruff.  A fun loving acquaintance from Minocqua.  A fellow ballet parent with a connection to CWSB.  Woody was a healthy exuberant character very involved with civic activities in his touristy community of Woodruff, WI.  Woody died of a massive heart attack while working out at a gym, at the young age of 58.  Who would have guessed his life could have ended in the blink of an eye early one morning.

Then there are the multitude of Random Events of Chance.  Being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  A few that have stuck with me this past year:  Annapolis, Maryland a fire in a mansion that killed a family of 6 because their Christmas tree was too dry and caught fire.  A Georgia husband and wife out for the day to buy an antique car and are murdered by the fake seller.  The two Malaysia airlines that suddenly disappeared into the ocean with all their passengers.  The suicidal pilot on the German flight that crashed in France.  The earthquake in Nepal and avalanche on Mount Everest.  Maybe it was just their time to have It All End.

A phrase I read recently that made an impression in relation to why I should attempt another long walk was:  "It is better to die with memories than to live with dreams".  Dreams are important also, but to have accomplished the dreams a bit better.

The best reason for undertaking Another Long Distance Trek?  I LOVE to walk.

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