Llanthony Priory to White Castle, but I didn't go the last two miles. The path went right by the Old Rectory where I am staying. Lois just stopped and stayed. Why walk those extra 2 miles. They have already been walked, and can be walked in the morning. Went and visited the church right next door to the Old Rectory instead - reason it might be called the "Old Rectory"
6 hours walking
Llanthony Priory "originated with a settlement of two hermits, William de Lacy and Ernisius. They gathered a band of followers and built a chitin 1108...ten years later it was established as a house of Augustinian Canons. Augustinians are known as Blsck Canons because of the color of their robes. They lived a life on monastic lines, but unlike monks, were all ordained priests and went out preaching."
These building ruins began with the church and the other structures were added up to the 13th century. The monasteries were dissolved in 1538.
Breakfast with a German chemist who was here soaking up history. Lives near Darmstadt.
Karen, my hostess was in a better mood this morning and we laughed and talked. That was good because yesterday was not very pleasant with her.
Learned that Llan (beginning part off many village names in Wales) refers to a circle of stones around a sacred place. Does Not refer to a river like some Welshman Back up the trail, told me, who admitted he was guessing.
German gentleman at breakfast talked about being down in the Grand Canyon when 911 happened. They came up the next day and couldn't understand the expression on everyone's faces.
He and his wife had lived in New Jersey in the early 1900's for a year and rented a place in the country. They would ride their bikes in to the local town to shop for groceries, a 3 mile ride that they didn't think anything of, and carry their woven wicker baskets on the back for the purchases. The check-out people at the store didn't know what to do with the baskets and kept wanting to put the stuff into plastic bags. After they returned to live in Germany they kept in touch with their landlords. Later they learned the husband had been in NYC on business in World Trade Center on 911, and died.
Hedges can not be trimmed during bird nesting season which is why the narrow lanes are even more narrow now.
When Karen was driving me back to the Priory this morning we encountered the garbage truck which caused our vehicle to go into reverse for a distance. The truck was larger.
No sounds on the high ridge except birds, distant baa baaing and jets flying high above landscape.
Have to watch carefully for the gate hidden in the hedges.
Climbing back up from the Priory I took the wrong path but all was fine. Figured it would eventually lead to the top, and I knew what the top was like, so no mistaking and going down over the far edge. Came out about a mile back from where I went down yesterday, but that extra mile of ridge walking was lovely. Knew today was the last really high high walk, and that there are only a couple more days left to soak up the Welsh countryside. Decided rather than feeling sad to just enjoy, and enjoy I did!
Suddenly hang gliders appeared over the mountain ahead of me, first one, then five. On reaching that summit at least 12 gliders could be seen ahead floating on the air thermals. Kept walking and after the next hill, and small dip/valley came to the crest where they were all gathered and putting on gear. Must have hung around watching for half an hour or more.
Fascinating the process of getting all the clothing on (3 layers I learned because it is cold up high), and all the wires straighten out. Then they all stood at the ready on the edge of the mountain until a good gust came and they lifted off.
Learned if they are experienced they can catch a good thermal and rise really high, and stay up for a long time. The beginners (90%) will probably just float down quickly. I asked how they get back if they have floated way down the valley. They hitch a ride. All the gear and clothing packs up into a large backpack type container, which when they are floating looks like a chair surrounding them.
Hedgehog is called a hedge because theyivw in the hedges, and hog because of the noise they make when eating - like a pig grunting.
Met man hiking up with gliding gear on back. He was just arriving and planned to stay up until night flying off over the edge, packing up his flying supplies, climbing back to the top and doing it all over.
Dinner at the Hunters Moon - again
Chicken mushroom and leek pie with home cut fries and a flash of courgettes (zucchini) leeks and almonds. If I could just had the zucchini dish life would have been wonderful!
Saint Cadoc's Church Llangattock Lingoed.
Janey died in 1660.
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