Clwyd Gate to Llangollen
14.50 miles plus 1.5 down from the castle
7.5 hours
Heated slate floors equal Love.
Camel racing in Arabia. No longer are jockeys used to ride the racing camels but computers ride on their backs and the trainers drive along side (very fancy cars) shouting commands into the computers which are wired to the camels.

Perigee Falcons can cost $100,000
Tidbits of info from watching British TV.
The Hafen Deg, last night's home, along with being warm, the heater was going in the bathroom which meant clothing washed by Shower Stomp was able to be dried. Felt like a luxury as it was beginning to seem like everything smelled, including me, constantly.
News program this morning was about the island of Guernsey off the coast of France. It is known as the jewel in the crown for Britain because of the ideal conditions for farming, especially tomatoes. The show started with the bombing of the harbor during WWII, and went on to describe life under the Nazi rulers. It was straight out of the mini series "Island at War". But in reality the series was straight out of reality (TV).
Not quite as deep as the other day.
Mangalista (US) or Mangaliza (UK) is a Hungarian curly haired pig that looks more like a sheep. They are bred on Guernsey for meet.
Sheep no more.
Cat had been so excited for the Elton John concert last night. This was the first time he had performed in North Wales and it was for a tour to promote the release of a new album. Cat even knocked on my door last evening to see if I approved her outfit. She couldn't wait. Had a seat in row E (5th row on the left and hoped she would be able to see the keyboard).
At breakfast this morning I asked how it was. She said "you wouldn't believe what happened". Cat had left her ticket at home, on the desk right outside my room. She was shocked. Finally she was able to buy a Standing Room ticket as there was nothing else she could do. So instead of being in "spitting range" she could hardly see him (14,000 attendees) but it was okay. She ran into friends and they danced together. Later while Cat was still queueing to get out a helicopter lifted up and Elton John was spirited away.
Cows were a problem today. Same herd. Same behavior issues. Probably harmless, but they kept after me across the entire pasture. The other day I only had to deal with them for about a quarter of their space. Today they saw me coming up from bellow and harassed me the entire distance.
Especially annoying was the one who kept sucking on my arm, and pushing constantly on the backpack. I became a bit worried that it could knock me over, and the weight of their hoofs do serious damage. Welcome relief to climb the stile and escape their pasture which today seemed extra long!
Lots of talk about the Romans being here and their roads - STRAIGHT. Other historical Welsh roads are twisty and follow the original pony/horse paths.
Someone is sucking the life out of the walker, or trying.
Watch out below. Actually hiking those narrow ledges with the steep Rocky slope above, and the almost straight drop down, there was the constant worry of tumbling rocks, or avalanche.
See the path? Middle distance across and around the that next mountain.
Someone lost their wing. Probably not good
Reached Llandegia where I remembered there was a post office combined store and a restaurant where I planned to get food. Post office closed. Willow Inn closed. No food. Good thing I collected 3 apples from breakfast and the package of cookies by the tea tray. Again ration out the provisions.
Back through the dark dark forest and the tundra. The tundra was over run with mountain bikers out for the beautiful weekend weather.
I as a single walker became the person to step off into the marshy boggy land. Most bikers were polite and said thank you, followed by - cheers!
At one point passed a farm and couldn't identify what was making the odd screaming noise. Later read on the material that peacocks lived there. Those birds were what was screaming. Wish I had seen them.
Began to meet solo hikers headed toward Prestatyn. Talked with a few.
Narrow lane. This car had to back up to let another come through.
John was still dressed in his pink jeans and green sweater (jumper). Heather had changed.
Castell Dinas Bran. "Important place in the history of the Holy Grail. The Grail was brought to Britain by Joseph of Armathea and was eventually passed onto his nephew Alain le Gros via Joseph's son is believed that the Geail resides in the castle".
Big auto show going on this weekend here in Llangollen (Clan-goth-Len).
Went on a quest to find the Croes Gwenhwyear (the cross of Gueinevere) the wife of King Arthur (legend). Couldn't find it even though I had an old brochure (2002). Got three elderly ladies a excited in Saint Johns Church when I went in to question them.
Went down to the train station to watch a train arrive. Must have been a tourist day trip to some specific location as all passengers got off carrying large blue bottle is wine, with not labels.
There was an elderly woman in a wheelchair being pushed by a young man. In passing her I caught her eye and smiled. She immediately reached out her hand to me and said "thank you for the lovely day". Very sweet. I just smiled more and said "I glad you enjoyed it". Lois walked off.
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