Saturday, May 16, 2015

Castles Bookended the Day

The Day 3 Walking
White Castle to Longtown
12 + uphill (steep) miles
7 hours 

View from my window this morning 

Just before getting the ride from the Old Rectory back to White Castle I was laying on the floor stretching the back and rolling around and realized my leggings were inside out.  They had been that way all during breakfast in the fancy room with other guests. 

Dennis (The Menance) delivered me back to White Castle.  Small car.  He drove fast.  Narrow lanes.  I sat on the left side but had no steering wheel, so no control. Felt like a carnival ride. 

White Castle

On arrival back at White Castle I stuck the phone through the fence to take a photo before setting off walking.  Right then the man who collect money from visitors all day pulled up for his day of work.  He offered to show me the castle, and wouldn't even charge me because it was before opening hours. We walked in and looked around.  It was explained how the fortress was built to defend the Welsh against the Normans who kept crossing that English Channel and trying to claim more lands for themselves. 

Met two men going south on Offas Dyke.  One could have been a twin to yesterday's man I talked with.  The other lives right on Glynwr's Way and said he would watch for me in 10 days. 

Church next to Old Rectory 

The Old Rectory 

After 3 miles and an hour and a half I was back where I stayed last night - The Old Rectory.  Waved at Karen as I passed her gate. 

Typical sign which always points the arrow towards where the path goes. 

A couple I met asked what I do when not walking.  When I said I was an artist they asked what I did.  Build sculptures (just not recently) and paint with watercors.  They asked "flowers?"  NO!!!!

Today was beautiful with mostly sunny skies and great views.  Could even see far off to the northeast what had to be the dim outline of the Lake District mountains.  MY kind of landscape.  But of course to get up to MY personal place requires lots of hard trudging - UP Steep Hills and Mountains.

As the big ascent up to the ridge line of the Black Mountains where Hattervel Hill is (that was NO hill) required lots of huffing, puffing, stops for breaks every 5-10 steps. But it certainly was worth the effort once the heights were attained. 

Friends from London up for the day, apparently they put on their "hair" for outings.  Took a while for the photo as the colored hairs kept blowing in their faces.

Before beginning the steepest section I saw a man unloading a bike from his car.  Became distracted with watching him and missed the turn for the trail.  After going on for about 20 minutes realized a mistake had been made.  Nothing to do but turn around and go back.  Later saw that man pushing his bike up the steep slope from behind me.  He caught up and went way ahead, still pushing and disappeared, while I struggled upward. About 4 hours later I met him on the top ridge (kind of like the top of the world) as he was now riding and would probably ride all the way back down.  Tough legs on him. 

Later saw Fell Runners who were participating in a 30 mile ridge run to commemorate some event that was 30 years old.  Not sure what event it was.  The runners had to stop and take their photos at each checkpoint to prove they had been up there. 

Looking east from the Hattervel Hill ridge

Today there were stiles and fences to climb over.  Of course there were lots of gates to open and close (don't let the cute sheep out). And lots of Kissing gates. The last two miles were a very steep descent down to Longtown where I am staying with Jenny and Mr Hope (he is a Mail carrier).  So steep the toes were mashed into the front of the boots just like going down the Bright Angel trail into the Grand Canyon. 

YUM, Now to find the stem ginger cake from two years ago. 

Went to check out the Longtown Castle before making my way to tonight's abode.  Oh, another castle.

Longtown Castle

Mr Hope served me tea and homemade Welsh cakes.  Sat on a leather chair in my smelly sweaty clothes (socks were reat nasty) and we chitchated.  Later Jenny arrived and joined the conversation. The house was built in the 1500's.  Rather old and full of really old beams.  And quite crooked floors in places. They had someone come in to 'date' the place and it was thought the beams were even older than the 1500's. 

Welsh Cakes

Old beams

Old Old Steps

If anyone wants to pull out their "Professor of English hat" and point out all the misspelled words, typos, poor grammar, no grammar - give me a break - I am typing with two thumbs and tired, but want to get MY memories down so through the long dark winter months ahead I will be able to relive What I Did On My Summer Vacation/Walk.  You are invited to come along for the ride, and spare your own feet and legs.  Enjoy. 

Oh I am back in England for the night.  Seemed to have wandered over the border a few times today. 

Dinner at the Crown Inn

Chicken Balti with rice and chips (half of each), poppadom (large tortilla thing) and mango chutney.  YUM

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