Friday, June 19, 2015

Britain's Last Day for Lois, for now

As is true of everything - all good things must come to an end, and also all bad things, will also end.  Last day in the UK.  Ready to return to the U.S. of A. and family - until the next trail beckons. 

Spicy seeds. 

 Giant lighted up clock on the Cathedral right outside my window made telling the time easy during the night.  

The workers were out early at the job on the Cathedral. 

My - Mitre Hotel

Selfridges right around the corner.  Looked for Harry Gordman Selfridge (Jeremy Priven) - but forgot - he would have been in London. 

Chilly here in the north of England. Two shirts on, wool Buff around neck, fingerless gloves.  Went out and joined all the smartly dressed urban workers working their way to work.  I was at least wearing the correct color, and twice today was mistaken for a store employee, until they heard me speak.   AMERICAN!  

Went to the Marks and Spencer Food Hall, practically next door (close then the post office at home) and bought pastries (exact same as two years ago - yummmm!) 

The apricot was Fabulous!

then rode the escalator went up into the Arndale Shopping Mall (direct route from street level to food court, but necessary to exit via the levels of shopping),

 and got a coffee at McDonald's, and sat at the same table as two years ago,

to enjoy a breakfast that definitely was not the Full English/Welsh Breakfast. 

The McDonald's had a Bacon Roll Meal. (a fan of British bacon!)

Greek salad for lunch - best thing in a long time. 

Yesterday when the Ferris Wheel was first seen I thought it was being assembled, but later noticed a bit missing.  Then this morning more was gone.  Interesting to watch the workers climb up with no safety harnesses and walk about the narrow ledges.   

The large tiny queen who instilled "Victorian" attitudes. 

Fancy strollers (prams) Bugaboo - for the wealthy.  

Wisconsin made!!

Saint Ann's in Manchester 

A new ballet - Tree of Codes. 

Nigerian woman in the Clark store and I sat next to each other as we both tried on multiple shoes.  We agreed comfort was the top priority.  She needed shoes for Africa, and I for Wisconsin and icy sidewalks.   She was also buying for a daughter and had a foot shape drawn on a piece of paper.  Her husband is doing a graduate degree at the U of Manchester.  Great how these random conversations begin with strangers while doing normal things (shoe shopping).

Lots of Ups and Downs in the stairways and halls in the Mitre Hotel. 

Fresh Fish Market attached to the regular mall. 

Learned my checker in Marks and Spencer LOVES American coffee.  I replied  we don't really have American coffee (as in coffee is not grown in America).  He said a friend from Kentucky sends him the Eight O'clock brand, and that is his favorite.  Funny.  I said my daughter just moved to Louisville, and he said that was where his friend lives.  We held up the queue (line) as we chatted about coffee. 

National Football (soccer) Museum. 


The Printworks have been turned into a giant entertainment structure with theaters, restaurants and bars. 

Next to the Mitre Hotel. 

The Mitre Hotel.


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